Toronto Life Coach – 5 Inspiring Stories of Change

Toronto life coach 5 Inspiring Stories of ChangeIt’s good that you’ve come by because my goal is to help you find a great Toronto life coach.

Whether it’s me or someone else.

I know our world becomes a better place even if just one more person—you—becomes happy.

Even if I know that I’m a good choice as a life coach for you but I also know someone who will be an even better choice for you, I’ll refer you to them.

Anyway, let me introduce myself

My name is Roman Mironov.

I’m a Toronto life coach.

I’m an MA and a certified Strategic Interventionist trained by Robbins Madanes Training.

That’s the official training center for life coaches run by Tony Robbins.

Life coaches Toronto trained by Robbins Madanes Training

My clients are people who feel they can do so much more in life and they look for advice, support, and mentorship.

Now that I’m done with my introduction, let me throw a few ideas about Toronto life coaches your way.

Toronto life coaches

Did you know that more Torontonians use life coaching today than ever before?

That comes as no surprise.

Our life is getting more stressful by the hour.

One reason is that we live in a harsh environment full of toxins that didn’t exist just 100 years ago.

For example, one consequence of this is low testosterone, which means we have less energy.

Another reason is too much information and options that make us feel overwhelmed and anxious.

We feel we are not enough because we could be doing so much more in our lives.

The third reason that contributes to anxiety is the rising cost of living.

The rental prices in Toronto skyrocketed just the last year.

No wonder Toronto Sun says “Life coaching is definitely a growing trend.”

Toronto life coaches are a growing trend according to Toronto Sun newspaper

People reach out to Toronto life coaches to make sense of all the conflicting priorities of their hectic lives.

Or they seek guidance and mentorship for important decisions.

Or they come with a difficult life situation such as the loss of a loved one.

Let’s look at five inspiring stories about life coaching.

Do you know what I love about them?

  1. They inspire me to change. When I see other people confront their problems, I feel I can achieve anything as well!
  2. Because these stories are common life challenges, you might find a solution to your issues among them.

Story #1: Gina gets gambling addiction help

Gina came to a life coach with a gambling addiction problem.

She liked her job but didn’t feel happy because of the poor health of her two daughters.

So she resorted to gambling to escape her unhappiness.

But that only made Gina’s problem worse.

Now she put the family into debt and hated herself for that.

And she resented her husband for not stopping her from gambling. (In fact, he felt bad for her and wanted her to have at least something to be happy about, even if it was a fundamentally negative thing as gambling.)

The life coach who was also a gambling counselor helped Gina break out of her negative pattern by challenging three things in her:

  • Physiology—when our head is down and shoulders are slumped, it’s almost impossible to feel good,
  • Focus—what we focus on equals how happy we feel,
  • Language—what we say to ourselves determines whether we view what’s happening to us positively or negatively.

The coach caught on to that deep inside Gina was a cheerful and loving person.

He explained that her husband loved her a lot and was trying to help her.

And she was also able to see that the pain she was going through wasn’t a bad thing.

Even though it was hard to deal with, this pain made Gina grow as a person.

After we overcome major pain and challenges, we become stronger and wiser.

And we can share our newly discovered strength and wisdom with others to help them.

Gina saw her family problems, gaming addiction, and debt as challenges that were there for her to grow.

She was eager to tackle them because now she knew she would feel fulfilled in the process.

That’s because she would meet her high-level needs for growth and contribution.

Story #2: Toronto life coach helps Lisey and Scott save a relationship

A couple came to a coach for marriage counseling.

The wife, Lisey, felt they didn’t have much connection recently.

She would go on periods of trying to love her husband, Scott, unconditionally but would get impatient quickly because he wouldn’t respond.

Although he loved her, something was holding him back from opening up emotionally.

The life coach uncovered a deeply rooted belief in Scott: if I open up in a relationship, I’ll get hurt.

So he always chose to be emotionally unavailable and had dumped every intimate partner eventually.

At that point, he was ready to dump his wife unwittingly even though consciously he knew she was his perfect woman.

The life coach helped Scott let go of this limiting belief.

Scott acknowledged this belief for protecting him and giving him certainty which is a basic need.

But he could feel even more certainty by going to the next level of spiritual development and being more loving.

He would connect to God and share the love that he had been withholding.

And he would be a role model of a loving and caring human being for everyone around him.

Now Scott realized he had all this love in him all along.

He just needed to let it shine.

And he felt empowered to save his marriage.

Story #3: Toronto life coach helps Jane with weight loss

Jane came to a coach for help with weight loss.

She would do binge eating because she felt scared pretty much all the time.

Her fear was rooted in her childhood when she was sexually molested by her parents.

And they taught her that children should be seen and not heard.

So Jane ate to be big to be seen.

But she never talked about how scared she felt.

The coach showed that food helped her meet her basic human needs: certainty and variety.

She was certain that by eating tasty things, she would always feel pleasure.

And she got variety from food because it gave her an escape from her dark thoughts caused by trauma.

But Jane was meeting her needs in an unsustainable way.

The life coach provoked her with humor so that she got sick of running from her problem.

For example, the coach challenged fun of her eating habits by saying, “Think about how all this sugar is sticking to your stomach.”

With that much excess weight, she would kill herself within a few years because of heart disease or diabetes.

Jane felt motivated to confront her overeating problem once and for all.

Then, the coach helped her create a new compelling identity.

He said that he saw a girl in her who was happy and joyful.

It was safe for Jane to become herself now and leave behind her fears caused by childhood trauma.

She would be able to feel good and wouldn’t need to overeat to manage her bad feelings.

They gave that girl a name so that Jane could alternate between the two identities: her old self and new self.

When she was in her old identity, she would look beaten.

But when she went to her new identity, she would stand tall and proud.

She realized that the new identity felt so much better than the old one.

Jane realized that she had always been a beautiful woman with so much joy in her.

And now she finally became herself.

Story #4: Toronto life coach helps Rita beat depression

Rita was depressed because she didn’t trust her boyfriend.

And she also had bursts of anger occasionally.

Her life coach helped Rita uncover her basic human needs she was meeting with depression.

It gave her certainty because she felt comfortable in that state: she knew exactly how she would feel.

And she also felt the connection with other people when they tried to console her.

Plus, she felt significant thanks to the immediate attention she was getting from others when she had fits of anger.

Next, the coach showed Rita that she could control her emotions.

First, he made her go into depression.

And then he made her laugh and even feel ecstatic.

He showed how her physiology was different in each of the two states.

He explained that by using physiology and focus she was able to switch between these two states immediately.

Then the coach interrupted her pattern of feeling certain in her depression.

He did this by making fun of her depressed state, saying things like “Don’t get happy on me!”

By doing so, he provoked her so that she felt sick of her problem and confronted it.

The coach also defined the problem in solvable terms.

Depression wasn’t the problem—and that was why Rita could not solve it.

The root cause was her unmet need for connection because she couldn’t trust her boyfriend.

She wanted to be feminine and open up but her fear didn’t let her do it and she felt depressed.

The coach showed her how beautiful her femininity was and how it should be her higher purpose to be loving in her relationship.

Seeing that exciting alternative for her and knowing she was able to switch to a state of hope anytime, Rita felt empowered to put an end to her depression and improve her intimate relationship.

Story #5: John moves out of parents’ home with the help of a Toronto life coach

John was still living with his parents at the age of 25.

His parents wanted him to move out as they saw him as a lazy and unmotivated child.

But he procrastinated on leaving because staying at home felt comfortable.

The life coach showed John how he met his need for certainty because he felt very comfortable and didn’t have to take risks.

Plus, he was getting a lot of love from his mother.

He was in a 4-year relationship that ended in a flash of a second.

He lost his trust in women and found solace in his mother’s love.

Another reason he wasn’t leaving home was feeling insignificant.

He knew it was a problem and not confronting it made him feel weak and insignificant.

The coach acknowledged him for supporting his mother.

It was a good thing that he cared about her so much at the age of 25 when most people are focused on their career or intimate relationships.

But the coach also provoked John to see that his love for his mother was unsustainable.

By staying at home, he was fighting with his father over the mother’s love.

He was preventing his parents from having a relationship of their own.

At the same time, the coach used John’s love for his mother as leverage.

He explained that John’s mother felt huge guilt because of him.

John realized he had to leave home to help her stop feeling guilty.

The coach asked many questions to help John get clear about what he wanted to change and what he would do specifically.

So John was able to look at the problem from a new perspective that made his action plan clear.

John said the next step for him would be making a list of things to do.

But the coach confronted this as procrastination and made John call his mother right away.

Taking action immediately after the decision has been made is critical because it creates momentum.

This way, John committed to leaving.

Break through your barriers

Reading such stories of inspiring change always makes me feel empowered to help clients as a life coach.

They remind us that people can change things they never felt they were able to change.

If you need help tackling weight, stress, anxiety, confidence issues, or any other challenges, feel free to contact me for a free clarity session.

As a Toronto life coach, I’m here to help you confront your problems and live a happier life.

Here is a link to contact me.





















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