Porn Detox – Uncover the Hero Version of Your Life in 30 Days

Are you considering porn detox?

I am so proud of you ❗

This might be one of the most important decisions you ever make in your life.

It sure changed my life radically.

When I watched porn in version 1.0 of my life, that was hell.

The never-ending cycle of shame, guilt, wasted time, and opportunity cost.

Now that I’m porn-free, I’m truly living version 2.0 of my life.

If you want to be as happy as me, keep reading.

Companion video

If you’d rather watch a video, here you go.

Porn detox success story

When people ask me whether they should go on a porn detox, I tell the story of a coaching client I had in Toronto.

He is about 60 years old. He has been a porn user since his early teenage years.

Back then, he would go to a store and rummage through pornography journals.

Now it’s much simpler with online porn right in your face.

He was spending 1 to 5 hours on porn every day.

From 1 hour on weekdays to 5 hours on the weekend.

And he also spent a lot of time and mental energy thinking about porn addiction.

Planning and looking forward to each PMO episode.

Fighting the urges.

He reached out for my help and went on porn detox.

For him, it lasted over 120 days.

An amazing accomplishment, given that previously he was able to go on 4 days max.

Now that he had a clear mind, he was able to develop awareness about his behavior.

He saw the psychological deficit behind his PMO—depression.

And to improve his life, he had to work on depression instead of escaping it with porn dopamine.

With that said, what are some signs you need a porn detox?

How do I know if I need to go on a porn detox?

Do you recognize yourself in any of the examples below?

#1 You feel you can’t control pornography consumption

John would tell himself he would just take a peek….

He knew that he was deceiving himself but would still do it.

30 minutes later, he would find himself looking for the “perfect scene” to jerk off to.

And the images kept getting more intense—to the point that he felt like a degenerated pervert.

#2 You think that porn-watching distracts you from something important

Naveen had a goal of building a career as a video game designer.

He was working on his own game to build a portfolio that he could show to potential employers.

But every time he sat down to work on the game, he felt bored.

And he would turn to porn for some excitement.

After wasting 30 minutes on PMO, he would feel tired.

And also guilty because of the time lost.

So he would have no energy or willpower to continue working—losing the entire day.

#3 You don’t enjoy sex

When I was married to my first wife, I kept watching porn behind her back.

I would sneak into the living room while she was sleeping at night.

I would download a few videos and jerk off to them.

So for the next few days, I wouldn’t want to have sex at all.

(It was only later that I came to understand that my testosterone decreased after jerking off and I needed a few days to recover and restore my desire).

And on top of it, I was overstimulated by the beautiful porn images.

(Beautiful❓Yes… But real❓ No ❗).

My real sex paled in comparison with those fake images.

And felt quite boring.

If you see yourself in any of these examples, then you might want to do a porn detox for the reasons below.

Reasons to do a porn detox

Reason 1. Build awareness—uncover your psychological deficit

When you are addicted to porn, you spend a lot of time and mental energy thinking about porn.

Looking forward to watching it.

Fighting the urges.

Because you’re focused on porn, you don’t see a bigger problem.

That bigger problem is the root cause of porn-watching.

It’s some sort of psychological deficit (PD): unhappiness, loneliness, etc..

You’ve come to rely on porn as a coping mechanism for that PD.

So you stop watching porn, and now instead of thinking about porn, you think about what’s really wrong with your life.

You have the time and mental energy to think about it.

And you are in a place to resolve this PD instead of escaping it unconsciously.

Reason 2. Normalize your dopamine by weaning off porn dopamine

Porn is a huge source of dopamine which is a neurotransmitter associated with motivation.

When you are overstimulated with Porn Dopamine, you don’t want to do anything else.

You are overstimulated.

Your senses are dulled.

Everything feels boring.

But when you do a porn detox, your dopamine levels normalize.

Suddenly you want to read a book or take a walk.

These simple things start to feel great again.

Your senses are heightened.

You feel alive again.

Reason 3. Get attracted to real women instead of overstimulating online images

Let’s face it, porn girls are too beautiful.

And also too sexual.

That’s because the porn industry needs to exaggerate beauty to overs.

Porn makes you have unrealistic expectations.

Of course, real women are not like that.

When you look at a girl after watching porn, you don’t find her attractive.

And by doing a porn detox, you normalize your expectations.

Real women become attractive again.

(And you also stop objectifying them).

With that said, this is how you can proceed with a porn detox.

Reason 4. Stop being a battery

Detox from porn and other addictions today.

You are addicted to video games. You are addicted to social media. You are addicted to porn.

You are becoming a battery in the matrix, in the system. Instead of having your own opinion, you’re following other people’s agenda.

Instead of working on your dreams, you’re making other people’s dreams come true.

Reclaim your life now by recognizing and stopping addictions.

Stop being a BAT-tery. Be BAT-man.

Detox from porn will create a foundation for prosperity and happy life.

How to do a porn detox

The most practical approach to a porn detox is to do a 30-day challenge.

These are the rules for the challenge.

  1. No porn
  2. No masturbation
  3. You can have sex as long as you don’t ejaculate

The first week will be very difficult.

But as you keep going, your momentum and willpower will keep getting stronger.

And soon you’ll feel that it’s all downhill from there.

The key is to make it to 30 days.

Most guys feel so amazing at that point that they never want to go back to porn.

They use this success as motivation to go on an even larger Hero’s Journey.

Best tools for a porn detox

Tool 1 — Awareness

Here’s a story from my no fap experience.

I used to watch porn and jerk off excessively. I was really addicted and I kept saying: “I could quit.”

But I never did. I just kept making these empty promises.

Until one day I said: “I am addicted, I have a problem.”

That’s when my “could” became “must.” Now I said, “I must quit.”

And since then, I’ve been porn-free and fap free. And since then, I’ve been porn-free and fap free. That’s an amazing no fap experience.

Understanding more about the dangers of porn will help you see how deep this problem goes, too.

Read up on porn addiction. Listen to other people talk about it. Journal about your porn addiction.

Tool 2 — Mental diet

You need to motivate yourself constantly for making the right choice — not watching porn.

Keep watching and listening to positive information such as self-help.

Feeding your mind with uplifting messages will keep you off thoughts about porn.

Tool 3 — Go slow

I like to say No to bad habits slowly.

If I go cold turkey, I notice that my mind creates craving and resistance.

But if I start with small steps and small successes, I tend to build from those successes more easily.

That’s why you may want to prime yourself before a full-blown 30-day detox.

Start with one porn-free day.

Then go to two and three days.

When you are comfortable with that, go all the way to 30 days.

Tool 4 — New habit

When you say No to porn, you need to say Yes to something else.

When you stop feeding your mind with porn, it creates a void in your psyche.

If you don’t feel this void, the craving will be strong.

So make sure that you pick up a new habit that you will do consistently whenever an urge to watch porn comes up.

Here are good examples.

  1. Go for a walk
  2. Read a book
  3. Practice a musical instrument

What’s the average porn addiction recovery time when you create a new habit ❓

When you do NoFap, the first two weeks are brutal. You want to relapse badly.

But you need to be patient with the new habit. And it will get easier after those first 14 days.

Then you go to 30 days. That’s the minimum amount of time that you need to remove the old habit and install the new one.

If you are not patient enough, the old habit will return again and again.

And you’ll keep resetting your counter for porn addiction recovery time. Missing out on opportunities. And eventually living a regretful life which is the worst.

Tool 5 — Negative consequence

Create some sort of punishment for watching porn.

That way, you won’t want to relapse because your brain will avoid the pain.

Examples include.

  1. Donate money to a cause that you don’t support
  2. Cook a meal for someone you don’t like
  3. Clean your room

It’s important to apply the negative consequence immediately after a relapse.

Sending a message to your mind that punishment is inevitable.

Tool 6 — New challenge

Last but not least, you need to find a new and exciting project. Something that will occupy your thoughts, leaving little headspace for porn cravings.

Here are my favorite examples.

  • New career or business — this is ideal
  • Finding love — let’s say you commit to making three cold approaches a day
  • New hobbies like learning a new musical instrument

Our mind is quite easy to trick — it tends to focus on the challenge that’s in front of you. And you simply forget about everything else.

Getting help with porn detox

Walking the porn-free journey alone can be difficult.

But it gets easier when someone is guiding you every step along the way.

I’ve been helping clients do porn detox for many years.

And I’ve been porn-free myself for 8+ years.

I’ve distilled the best insights in my Free NoFap Course.

It has all the tools, strategies, and motivation that you need to do a 30-day porn detox challenge.

Click the link below now.

Free nofap course

Heal your brain from pornography in one month

Get my Free Porn Detox Course now. Make your porn brain rewire easier.

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