Your single most motivating factor. Why you watch porn and why you want to quit it

Welcome to this next lesson!

You’re doing great on our journey.

One of my clients wanted to stop PMO because he expected superpowers.

That was his single most motivating factor: he expected a breakthrough in life with those superpowers.

And that sort of motivation worked for him.

He did over 4 months of NoFap hard mode.

That one factor kept him going.

The one thing that will keep you going is your motivation.

You don’t even need discipline.

It’s a myth.

You just need to recognize the one thing that you value more than PMO.

So what is that?

Let’s look at some of the common reasons why people quit porn-watching.

I waste time and potential

Look, life is short.

Suppose, you spend about 30 minutes a day on porn.

365 days × 0.5 hour = 182.5 hours per year

And let’s say your average time awake each day is 16 hours.

182.5 / 16 = 11.4 days

That’s more than 11 days wasted on porn each year.

You just don’t want to give your life away like that.

I feel powerless over porn

When you have an urge to watch porn, your lower self takes over.

And you don’t want to succumb because the lower self is not who you are.

You know that can get you addicted to extreme porn.

And that can lead to going down some dark alleys such as prostitutes.

And you want to feel in control of your life again.

I feel self-disgust after watching porn

You feel self-disgust, shame, or regret after relapsing.

That’s your heart—your built-in moral compass—telling you there’s something wrong about PMO.

Perhaps, you realize that the porn industry takes advantage of young girls who don’t know any better.

Or you hate the feeling of not having the discipline.

Whatever it is, you know that you’ve betrayed the best version of yourself.

I am numb to sexual experiences

Porn rewires your brain to crave the image rather than the actual sexual experience.

It also gives you infinite variety compared to real-life sex.

The next thing you know, you prefer watching some naked girls online to having sex with your girlfriend.

I lie to my girlfriend

Your girlfriend or wife will be devastated if she finds out about your porn.

And you feel like trash because you hurt the person you care the most about.

You want to stop doing PMO behind her back.

It affects my thinking negatively

You feel brain fog.

You feel less confident in social interactions.

Your productivity goes down because you can’t focus.

You realize that you don’t enjoy things as you used to.

So what’s your single most motivating factor?

I want you to define it now.

With that said, I will see you in the next lesson.