Your new porn-free identity

You made it to this new lesson. Congratulations!

I had a client who was 47 years old and had been watching porn for 36 years.

36 years of programming himself with the PMO virus almost daily. That’s a lot of programming. That mind virus settled in very deeply.

We started by creating a new identity for him that was completely free from PMO.

We even gave a name to that new self: Fabulous.

This was a new vision of himself, and he wanted to stay consistent with it.

That’s how he was able to stop watching porn and make it to 80+ days of semen retention.

With that said, changing your identity is key to porn recovery.

You programmed yourself to see yourself as someone who needs PMO to survive.

And the problem is that our mind clings to our current identity strongly.

It wants to be consistent with it.

So what you need to do now is to create a new identity.

And install that new identity into your mind, replacing the old one.

Let the new identity settle in, and then you will want to stay consistent with it automatically and effortlessly.

And the old one will go away.

With that said, you need to change what you believe about porn and masturbation.

Now you believe that this habit brings you pure pleasure.

Instead, start thinking about the pain that comes with it.

Here’s how I did it.

I identified an old belief

PMO makes me feel great whenever I feel depressed or bored.

Sounds too good to be true!

So I came up with these replacement beliefs:

  • The raw, carnal pleasure I get is really short-lasting.
  • Something I have to hide from others can’t be good for me.
  • I develop erectile dysfunction.
  • Porn makes sex look so perfect that I don’t get aroused by “real-life” sex.

When I am free from it, I’ll have more time and energy for the things that I enjoy.

That’s my example.

Now find new beliefs that make sense to you and write them down.

You can use mine as a good start for brainstorming.


That’s your new identity. Give yourself a big hand!

Now let’s install it.

Moving along to the next lesson. I will see you there.