Hi Hero!
Another day under your belt!
Let’s keep going 🙂
I want to talk about the importance of commitment today
See, we humans are lazy
We look for this Holy Grail all the time
Something that will resolve our challenges easily and quickly
With combatting porn, people keep searching for a “perfect strategy”
They reach out to me as a coach and say
“Help me”
Give me something that will work beautifully and immediately
But when I ask them what they tried already
They go
Not much, Coach
This is searching for a quick fix
And don’t get me wrong, I am not judging
I am like that with my own struggles
Let’s say when I start dating a girl
I want to go to sex quickly and efficiently
I am impatient
So people want a quick and easy solution to stop watching porn
And they want to avoid the grudging work of dealing with the root issue
But the truth is there is no Holy Grail out there
It’s in you
You have to uncover it by going on a Hero’s Journey
You have to uncover the Hero in you
So the bad news is that this is a journey
And it requires a lot of work
The good news is that you are already on it
Now, the only way to stay on the Hero’s Journey is commitment
Do you know who gets results combatting porn-watching?
I have a perfect coaching client who has a NoFap streak of 500+ days
It hasn’t been easy but he’s committed.
And there are also other followers who watch my videos
They dream about getting all these amazing results of being porn-free for themselves
They keep watching my videos and I am grateful for that.
But they also never apply what I suggest.
If I don’t say this, my grandmother will rise from the grave.
That is a different sort of masturbation: mental masturbation.
So they add mental masturbation on top of the physical one.
Here’s my best prescription for this mental masturbation
Okay, the symptom is relapsing again and again and then going back to watching and reading about the dangers of porn
And the cause is inaction and the lack of commitment
And the cure is the opposite.
It’s taking action plus commitment.
I give you many tools.
Pick at least one and commit to using it for at least 30 days.
Be a perfect student instead of just watching and never doing anything.
One month!
And also track it every day
Write down how it makes you feel
So you are able to see how effective it is
I am challenging you but at the same time, I know that you can do this.
I believe in you.
I’ve been porn-free for years
And you know that I am a regular guy
I am no better than you
Now, as with most things in life, you’ve to work harder initially.
This is when you need tons of discipline.
As long as you do that initial work, it will get easier.
You will develop my favorite thing — momentum
You will feel motivated by your small successes
With that said, I want you to pray 5 times a day
Not literally, though
Praying 5 times a day is a great visual example
In Islam, they pray 5 times a day
Because they forget about their commitment to Islamic values
And so does everyone else
Including me
And including you
We are so busy we forget about what we have committed to
For me, this is not taking life seriously
For my son, this is going to school for knowledge rather than for good grades
For my raccoon, this is being careful when he’s stealing food
For you, this is breaking free from porn
That’s why we need constant reminders
Do your equivalent of Islamic prayer
Remind yourself of your commitment 5 times a day
Here’s a suggestion:
Set an alarm on your phone to go 5 times a day
When it goes, review your goal of stopping watching porn for a minute or less
All right
Today is another amazing day on your streak
And it’s going to get easier tomorrow
Be a 🦸,
A hero right here ❤️