From version 1.0 of your life to version 2.0

Welcome to this new day!

It’s a sunny day for me and I am sure it’s the same for you

Because as you go porn-free your senses heighten

And you start seeing these small things and appreciating them more

I believe you are starting to see how being porn-free can free you in a broader sense

And this is what I want to talk about today

After I had gone porn-free, I freed up a lot of time

And more importantly, a lot of mental energy

Before that, so much of my headspace during the day was occupied with guilting myself for porn

Watching porn and masturbating is totally not who I am

But I was still doing it

And that inconsistency was killing me

So with that time and energy unlocked, I was able to do many great things

Looking back now, I am so grateful

If I had kept masturbating and hadn’t done all these things, my life would have been so different

The porn-free and regretful and wasteful version of my life that thankfully never happened:

I waste so much time on PMO

I never accomplish what I want

I am miserable

I have tons of regret

But here is the bright version of life that I was able to realize

Porn-free and regret-free

I am capable of deep love for my family

I picked up the guitar

I learned to snowboard and fell in love with it

I was able to travel to about 15 countries

I was finally able to become an owner rather than an operator in my business

I migrated to Canada which had been my dream for two decades

And most importantly,

I was able to help a few people

See, I made a huge MISTAKE in my life with masturbation

And I paid dearly for it

Wasting my best years

Not developing social and other skills

And then murdering my marriage

And by sharing my story of stopping PMO

I help people not make this same mistake
I help people realize this second version: porn-free, regret-free, and waste-free version

Committed people like you

You are doing the same

You are already helping other people

You are showing them what’s possible

I always tell our tribe that another person is taking the course

And that inspires them to go on

And on top of that, you are improving your life in all areas

There’s not a single area of your life that doesn’t benefit from quitting PMO

Just think about all that potential that is locked in you

Porn is a padlock that keeps it inside

You are breaking this padlock now

Letting all that potential out

To change your life and the lives of people around you

And let your hero shine

A hero right here

I’ll see you tomorrow