Welcome to this new day
There was a British billionaire whose name escapes me right now
In his biography, he said that he would give up all his money for one thing
To be young again
If you are young, this message is especially for you
But if you are older like me, it is also an important motivation for being porn-free… and regret-free
Let’s talk hormones
When I was in my teenage years, I felt different compared to how I feel now
My senses were so high
Everything felt new and super exciting
Like listening to a music
I would put on a song as loud as possible
And would just go crazy, slamming and dancing
Or I would laugh at 8 jokes out of 10
And now that’s 2 jokes out of 10
That’s what high hormone levels mean
I also craved being with a girl
Crazy about sex, with all those sex hormones raging in me
And this is what I can see now that I am older and I feel different
But I will get there in a moment
So, I am 16 bursting with all this young energy and sex drive
And normally, I would go out, find a girl, and enjoy breath-taking sex and a relationship with her
But I was very shy as my baseline
I literally ran from a girl who liked me once
Because I was scared of what my parents would think about this whole thing
So I would rechannel that sexual energy into porn and masturbation
And to add insult to injury, I would hate myself for doing that
I was caught in this cognitive dissonance
I wanted to have a girlfriend but everything I did would take me in the opposite direction
I was in that from 16 to 21 when I finally started dating
And here’s the kicker
I regret wasting those 5 years
This is the time when with my senses and hormones at a peak, I was supposed to enjoy love and sex at their peak
I could’ve had experiences on a scale of 1 to 10 at 10
But I wasted those years, on porn, masturbation
Not just wasted but they also brought me serious grief because of guilt
Okay, then I went into my twenties
I got married
And I murdered my marriage slowly
Porn was a major contribution to that
I would watch porn behind my wife’s back
And basically I was learning relationships from it
You can imagine
I objectified my wife sexually
And at that point, my hormones were not at their peak but they were still quite high
Not the same as in teenage years, but still quite high
High senses and great ability to enjoy things
But again, instead of enjoying deep connection with intimacy with her
I was wasting my time and energy on this surrogate — porn
Fake sex and fake feelings
So now I obviously regret losing my marriage
But I also regret how I wasted my opportunity to feel amazing about sex and love
The opportunity enabled by high hormone levels
I could’ve enjoyed sex and my marriage on a scale of 1 to 10 at 8 or 9
But I didn’t
I could’ve enjoyed my favorite bands at a greater level
But I struggled instead
Now come my thirties
This is when I started to realize something is up with this hormone thing
When I had sex, it started to feel less exciting as before
Let’s say 5 on a scale from 1 to 10
I saw that after watching porn and masturbating, sex would feel even less, 3 or something like that
And I was less excited by music, too
Before that, I would listen to 10 albums and I would like 3 to 4 of them
But now I find it hard to find even 3 to 4 songs out of 10 new albums
That’s when I understood I needed to maximize my senses because my hormone levels kept decreasing
I could no longer be wasting them on such huge stimulation as porn
Look, my senses already lowered — and I felt it
My hormones decreased even further
And then porn would make them even lower because it decreased dopamine
PLus, my testosterone already lowered and I was lowering it through masturbation on top of that
So I said No more
I have to really take good care of my hormones and senses
Because I want excitement, I want to appreciate sex and music on as high level as posslble
And that was one of the insights that helped me stopped watching porn
I am very grateful for that because I was basically able to salvage my thiries
But I so want back my teenage years and twenties
With that said, I want you to understand this while you are young
This is the time when Nature wants you to procreate
It gives you amazing levels of hormones
Sky-high senses
Sex and love feel fantastic
Porn doesn’t come even close to those feelings
Even though you might still not realize that
Don’t waste them on porn
Make the best use of these years
Suck those emotions like a vacuum cleaner
Or have those regrets like I do
If you do watch porn, save it for later
Watch it when you are old
Like 100 years
It will always be there
But those amazing sex and love experiences will not
As you age, your ability to experience them decreases
So have these amazing experiences when you can truly appreciate them
When the Nature wants you to appreciate them 100% and enjoy them to the fullest
Don’t waste your best years on porn
Become a Hero as young as possible
A Hero right here
Do that and I am excited about seeing you tomorrow